Sunday, 8 May 2016

In-between Animations for Two Weeks

For the past two weeks in the project, I've been working on animations for the female character in Synapse. These animations, which are tradional 2D frame animation, will be played out when the player cleared a task. For now, we plan on having eleven different tasks. We will also be doing fail- and idle-animations.

Two members in our team work on the concepts and the creation of the animations, by doing key-frames and breakdown-frames, while I'm responsible on making in-between frames for these animations, along with two other members in the team. In-between frames are the ones that plays between the key- and breakdown frames. Once the in-between frames are done, each frame in the animation will be colored and timed by one of the members, until they're finally implemented in our Unity Project.

The following gifs are the ones that I've made in-between frames for, marked with a "T".

Here is the animation for Task 11. I made 10 tweens on this one. The girl gets hit on her cheek by a basketball. He cleanes her sheek and returns to her normal pose.

Here is the animation for Task 1. I made 6 tweens on this one. The girl hears a sound off-screen, but shrugs it of and returns to her normal pose.

This is one of two fail-animations. I made 12 tweens on this one. She trips on the ground but manages to stand up and return to her normal pose.

This is one of three idle-animations. I only made two tweens here, since this is a short animation. She shrugs both her shoulders.

I will be doing a couple of more in-between animations during the last two weeks in this project. But for now, I will be focusing on more important tasks, such as finding and editing sound effects and music, and help on doing special effects on Unity. 

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